Mutated Reticence 

wood, chicken wire, plaster, fabric, yarn

In this piece, I play with the idea of restraint and control, pulling from my experiences of being a woman leader in the Coast Guard. What parts of me were suppressed so I could be what was expected? I specifically incorporated holes or dark spaces to depict the unknown, how the unknown can be so uncomfortable yet still contain enormous opportunities for growth and self-discovery. The yarn lines (yarn was donated by my neighbor Caryn) stretch from point to point which build tension but could also suggest connections and the multitude of decisions we make that lead us to where we are today. Can we ever entirely untangle ourselves from our past experiences? I originally made this to be a more cheerful piece but there is a darkness as well, maybe my inner bitterness that even though I am no longer bound by military rules I am frustrated I am still struggling to overcome their rigidity.