Community Questions Series (Fall 2021)

Roger Williams University on campus question and response three piece installation

Structure Dimensions: 12 feet wide by 7 feet tall with foliage frame

This installation series was inspired by my first ever in-class sculpture, the prompt being to make a sculpture using only objects found in the studio. I was drawn to a box of mailing tags which begged to have something written on them. I created a sculpture using these tags and wrote down things I was anxious, hopeful, powerless over, or couldn’t stop thinking about. This was the foundation of a much larger interactive project I installed on campus at Roger Williams University in three locations with three separate prompts and an optional but encouraged secondary action. The installations were up for four weeks and accumulated over 500 individual answer submissions in total.

Installation One Prompt “The Wall of Understanding”

Question: What do you wish was more understood about you?

Optional but encouraged: Share your answer with a person you trust and ask them this question about themselves

Installation Two Prompt “The Wall of Growth”

Question: What is something you want to learn more about?

Optional but encouraged: Within the next two weeks take that first step (examples: buying or renting a book, signing up for a course, scheduling time to talk to a knowledgeable person on your topic)

Installation Three Prompt “The Wall of Accomplishments”

Question: What is something you are proud of that you have done in the last year?

Optional but encouraged: Write another tag about someone else you’re proud of for any reason, attach it to the wall also

Installation One Prompt Photos “The Wall of Understanding”

Question: What do you wish was more understood about you?

Location: Outside Fine Arts Building under awning

Installation Two Prompt Photos “The Wall of Growth”

Question: What is something you want to learn more about?

Location: First floor of library

Installation Three Prompt “The Wall of Accomplishments”

Question: What is something you are proud of that you have done in the last year?

Location: First Floor of Global Heritage Hall building